
witching hour polls and random musings

my April 26 update

It’s been exactly one week since I was discharged from hospital and the past seven days have elapsed in surreal fashion – with time moving fast and slow at the same time.

It’s been a journey TBH. Generally I seem to be making progress day by day but I can’t believe how low I had sunk and how depleted I had let myself get. Even with all the interventions I received at the hospital I’m still struggling to hit a healthy baseline. I truly was running on fumes.

I have moments where I get pretty sad, scared and frustrated but I am trying to stay positive and patient. I remind myself I’m slightly better today than I was yesterday.

I feel like I turned a corner a couple of days ago and I’m finally starting to feel stronger. Today I left the house all by myself for the first time in over 2 weeks. It felt like a huge accomplishment. I’ll be off work at least one more week but am optimistic that I’ll be back in action after another few days of recovery.

Thanks to all of you who have continued to check in – it means a lot to me. đź’•đź’•đź’•

how I spent my day on April 20

Good morning from the 12th floor of my sweet little condo in east vancouver where the sun is shining brightly. I walked in here on my own two feet yesterday afternoon and couldn’t have been happier.

I was discharged from hospital yesterday afternoon after 4 of the most wild, scary and surreal days of my entire life. During my time there – I had so many things done – IVs, bloodwork, assessments, tests, scans, medication administration, etc.

The good news is that the medical team confirmed that my autoimmune condition has not progressed since my original diagnosis 6 years ago. So my disease is still very mild. Having said that- they also confirmed I was in an extreme flare and that I was dangerously depleted on so many fronts.

But – all the interventions are working and they were comfortable discharging me. They are confident the discharge plan will help me get truly back on my feet. I still have quite a ways to go but I’m on the right track. I’ll need to take it pretty easy for another couple of weeks but should be much stronger after that.

I want to thank all of you for the love, support, wisdom, kindness and encouragement you have shown over the past few days. It really kept me going and I felt overwhelmed with gratitude to be surrounded by such an incredible community of people. Extra special shoutout to Jay who has truly been by my side for all of this – it has not been an easy week for him either. Thanks to those of you who have held him in your hearts through all of this.

So – here we go. Let the next chapter of healing begin. Biking, hiking, roller skate, SUP, road trip season is just around the corner and I want to be ready.

how I spent my day on April 13

Good morning from the 10th floor of Vancouver General Hospital. I arrived by ambulance yesterday morning – yes very dramatic – and spent 10 hours in ER getting many many many tests and many many many IVs of fluids and electrolytes. They have admitted me for 5 days to get intensive treatment for my autoimmune condition that has really gotten away from me over the past few months and that got critically bad in the past 5 days where things deteriorated rapidly.

I’m not exactly looking forward to being in hospital for 5 days but I know it’s where I need to be. Despite no sleep and no food – I feel stronger today than I have in days. I’m in great medical hands – everyone here has been fabulous and they are all confident about what to do to get me fully back in action quickly.

And in the meantime – if I have to be in hospital for 5 days – at least the view is spectacular. 🌟🩵

“Sometimes transformation is simply taking the best parts of you and giving them more room in your life.” (yung pueblo)

In my 20s and 30s – I was discovering and deciding who I wanted to be in this world – in this life. There was a lot of “adding to” – adding knowledge, adding skills, adding experiences, adding relationships, adding wins (and losses), adding resources. I moved fast and frenetically – voraciously looking for things to absorb and attempt. It was an era of accumulation and of trying things on to see what fit and what was comfortable – to see what gave me those electrically charged glimmers of excitement.

As I entered my 40s – the assignment began to shift. While I was still on the look out for those glimmers (you know I love a good glimmer) – I was also starting to pay attention to the things in my life that did not sparkle and shine – things that felt heavy and restrictive, things that made me uncomfortable, things I was doing because some deep primordial part of my brain was telling me I “should” be doing them. I starting culling and stepping away from the people, places and things that didn’t align with my values and with the contributions I wanted to make. Although I tried to approach this exercise with gentleness – there were definitely times that the suddenly overwhelming desperation to be free made my movements more jagged and lacerating than I would have liked. Certain relationships ended and certain behaviours came to an abrupt halt (which made lots of people uncomfortable). I moved to a new home, I changed jobs, I got a divorce. I even paid more attention to my outward appearance – I got new clothes and started getting tattoos. At the age of 43 – I was in a pretty iconic flow state – I was truly happier than I had ever been. I felt light and energized and grateful. I felt like my veins were full of pure sunshine. I felt focused and pure and confident and powerful.

However … we live in this world at a time when that kind of vibe is hard to sustain. We are constantly being pushed to do more, to try harder, to keep climbing, to buy that newer bigger brighter faster thing.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for ambition and I value hard work. Where it falls apart for me is when my actions lack clear intention – when I get caught up in doing for the sake of doing. Striving. Conquering. Accomplishing. At a certain point – it becomes a marathon run on a treadmill and takes all your time and energy and focus without ever leading to a defined end point. You jack up the incline, you pick up your speed, you extend the time of your session. Over and over and over again. Until you just can’t.

I seem to have found myself on that treadmill once more and am disturbingly far from that flow state I had achieved less than 10 years ago. I feel heavy again. I feel confused because I don’t know where to direct my time, energy and focus. I am busier than I have ever been but have lost sight of what is most important – it ALL feels important but I know in my heart that’s not true. I know I need to break this pattern and reset. I need to shed some layers and trim the (irrelevant and often damaging) excess. Yet again.

I decided to take a vacation to kickstart the process and am writing this from my hotel room in Honolulu. I came here for a week on my own to dive into things that make me feel happy and strong – things that make me feel myself. Exercise, creativity, visiting the ocean, sunshine, listening to the best music. Going without schedules and deadlines. Letting my natural gypsy spirit take over for a few days. Finding transformation (young pueblo style) by taking the best parts of me and giving them more room in my life. Despite my hopes of letting some of that treadmill energy dissipate, I’ve spent most of the week doing. Just doing. Some of it has been fulfilling doing – exercising, spending time in the beautiful sunshine, ocean swimming, taking long walks, reading – but much of it has been “check the box” doing. I’ve really struggled to just be. To keep my eyes lifted and truly see everything that’s around me. Even now – as I write this – my brain is sending me messages like –

What the fuck Baker! Are you really going to spend your last day sitting in the hotel on your computer typing words that nobody will ever need or want to read.

Weren’t you going to rent a surf board? You’re almost out of time!

Aren’t you going to work out today?

Sounds like work has been a shit show while you were away. Taking that much time off was obviously a mistake and look at you! You’re still pretty much as wired as you were when you left! So nicely done.

I knew this little break wouldn’t be some sort of single magical event that brought my life back into focus, but I had hoped to have thawed out a bit more than I have. I am still wound so tight and am still so vulnerable to the forces that drive me to keep pushing for the sake of pushing – to program, to achieve, to accomplish but – I have had time to think and to notice things. I also feel a bit stronger and a bit healthier. A bit less exhausted. A bit more myself. It’s going to be a journey still but I feel ready to take a few steps in what I think will be a good direction.